Hi again, Jonathon:
Re: Sometimes? I'd suggest that the returns are always inappropriate.
-- I was just trying to be polite and accept that I'm possibly more picky
than many.
Re: The order of precedence is Writing System, then specific glyphs, with a
slight preference for the precomposed glyph, even if you originally did
not use a precomposed glyph. FWIW, you need to turn both CJKV & CTL on,
regardless of what writing
system is being used --- even if writing English. ( "æ", and similar
letter constructions require both CTL & CJKV features.)
-- Where did you get that order of precedence? I got what I recorded from
the man page. Or are you talking about LibreOffice's internal order of
precedence. That's why I wanted to confirm that LO ignored its own
precedence on Linux systems. If that's the case, it's another path for
inconsistencies in documents to appear.
Re: IMNSHO, the optimal solution would be to have styles be both language
and writing system dependent.
-- Well, I sort of agree, but my opinion is that you have to have a good set
of formatting primitives (can't think of a better word for this) before you
can build styles --- Styles in that view being a way to insure consistent
use of an identical grouping of primitives.
Re: Character styles fill in the holes that paragraph styles create. Also
useful for one or two words in a different language, or the same language,
but a different writing system.
-- Your use of the term "fill in the holes" suggests to me that we are
perhaps in agreement that some refinements need to be made to the underlying
approach. I suspect we both want the fonts, characters, and so forth to be
"styled" the way we want regardless of how many times we might switch
languages or writing systems in the same sentence (unusual, but it happens
often enough that it got me riled up enough to begin whining).
Re: You can not get away with setting English, Arabic, and Korean in the
same style ... etc.
-- You're right, you can't RIGHT NOW. But I think we should redesign the
interfaces to make that more transparent). We both know it CAN BE DONE
although we accomplish it with different hacks - it's just that I think we
shouldn't need to go through that.
Re: FWIW, you need to turn both CJKV & CTL on, regardless of what writing
system is being used --- even if writing English. ( "æ", and similar letter
constructions require both CTL & CJKV features.)
-- If someone had asked me about digraphs like that I don't think I would
have known the answer, so I've learned something at least. It makes sense; I
just never used these before.
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- [libreoffice-users] Re: Font versus Character Substitution (continued)
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