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On Friday 10 Apr 2015 16:34:19 Brian Barker wrote:
At 11:39 09/04/2015 +0100, Ian Seeks wrote:
I've got a table of numbers of general format which i change (using
Format/Cells) to make the display of numbers less than 10 have a
leading zero. I cannot search for "07" etc as it will not find it,
it will only search for "7" which finds me all the numbers with a
"7" in it. How can i force the search to look for "07"?
In the Find & Replace dialogue, tick the "Entire cells" option and
search for "7". This will find cells with the numeric value 7, even
if displayed as "7", "07", 007" etc., but will not find 17 or 72.

Alternatively, you should ask yourself whether you really need
numbers here (so that you can calculate using them) or perhaps
instead identifiers that just happen to be made up of digits. If the
latter, you would be better (as has already been suggested) having
your values as text. With the text string "07" in a cell, you can
easily search for "07".

Note that digit strings are not always numbers:

o The Zip code for City Hall in Boston, USA, is 02201; that's not two
thousand two hundred and one, nor can you write it "2201" or "2,201"
or "002201". What does it mean if the Zip code for one location is
the sum of the codes for two others? (Answer: nothing!)

o My telephone area code (here in London, UK) is "020"; that's not twenty.

o If your (unwise) PIN was set as "0987", you could not get money out
of an ATM using "987" or "00987". Nor do you get more money by having
a "larger" PIN.

o James Bond was not Agent Seven.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker
thanks.  i just like to have the same number of digits for all numbers, it 
looks neater to me.  if i'd have gone into the hundreds, i'd like to see 001 
in the list and not just 1.

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