On 3/27/15 8:01 AM, Nino Novak wrote:
1) This seems to be an old known problem (see e.g. [1])
It's older than that by a bit, I reported it back in 2012 I think. (I'd
have to hunt it down.) However, "known" isn't as accurate as we'd like
if people seem to find this as "new" on a semi-regular basis.
2) I just tested 3.4.1 (LibO+AOO) - its already present there, so IMHO it's
inherited from OOo
Also, from my perspective, I'm not accusing/blaming those working on
this for it having happened, it did, time to move on, now I'd like to
get it fixed.
3) an easy Workaround exists (go over Data > Sort, choose proper column
label Options)
A point I'd tried to make back "then" but got no where with was that
it's not an "easy" work-around when you have to do it multiple times
over and over in the process of using a collection of data means you
waste a *lot* of time during this "work around" which, when you have to
do it multiple times, stops being easy and becomes long and tedious.
I have a spreadsheet of ~450 entries, one for each machine in a data
center. Sometimes I have to sort it on the names, sometimes the serial
number, sometimes the rack location, etc. In my cases, when I was
building this list, to, EACH TIME, bring up the menu option, go and
click off *AGAIN* the button to choose the second page of the dialog,
click the "label" button, then click "Ok" *AGAIN* wasted a lot of time
and introduced new places for me to trigger an error in the process when
really, "assuming" the minimum choices was the correct approach.
Maybe that's what we need, a button to set the sort options, just once
to "smart" or "standard" meaning don't *ass*u*me* anything when trying
to decide what to do with the data.
So IMO the next questions are,
- how important is this bug?
- is there general agreement about a default behavior / column label
recognition algorithm?
Then the bug could be pushed to a higher prio / dev visibility.
The "philosophical" arguments I'd like to make is that using the
assumption of "lowest common expectation" (for lack of a better term) is
that you assume the least number of optional choices that you can unless
explicitly told otherwise.
As someone previously stated, if I select/highlight a number of words in
a word processor to effect change on them such as bold/italic/underline,
I expect the operation to be done in the simplest of terms, I don't want
you to avoid doing capital letters because that's an option somewhere I
didn't expect.
<< MCT >> Michael C Tiernan. http://www.linkedin.com/in/mtiernan
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Sort Bug ? (continued)
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