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**cough cough** .. feature understood.
Registered Linux User: #480675
Registered Linux Machine: #408606
Linux since June 2005

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Michael Tiernan
<> wrote:
On 3/25/15 6:53 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
I have on Ubuntu 14.04 and you are correct, sort is not working.
When I reported it, I provided a great deal of information about it and
was told "Not a bug" and "works for me" by those who have the power to
close bugs.

My argument was/is that if you use the sort arrows (as you have done
here) then you're asking/telling LO to sort the selected rows with no

Instead it was deemed correct that instead, LO assumes the first cell
found is used as a label regardless of any other settings.

This "feature" (*cough*) cost me a number of hours of work to get around
and avoid.

The argument is that since you can use the "Sort" menu option and change
this behavior *for each sort occurrence* then there's a work around for
the "feature" and we should be happy with that.

  << MCT >> Michael C Tiernan.
  Non Impediti Ratione Cogatationis
  Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs
   should relax and get used to the idea. -Robert A. Heinlein

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