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On 5 March 2015 at 17:32, SOS <> wrote:
Stefan ,

Macro's can "live" in any document so also in a "Standalone form" , better
is to place your macro's in the LO application, who makes is fast more easy
to Update and distribute for several users as a extension.
Just curious, per a good practice, why the macros wouldn't be stored
on the server as other db objects (data)?
Why in the networked era, user needs to update their clients? We're in
post-networked era even.

Because Kexi does that by design. But here local file (reliable
sqlite3 that -based on reports- almost never crashes for users) is
handled in the same way as any server so there are no special cases.
Asking because of an intent to harmonize behaviours and approaches.

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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