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On 12/10/2014 04:53 PM, cement_head wrote:
ok, Manual Break is the term in Writer (i.e. insert Manual Break).  Print
Preview works perfectly, and I'm doing this correctly, it's not my

However, when I actually print, it doesnt revert.  So, there's either a bug
in Writer, in CUPS, or in the Printer Driver.  I'm thinking it's in Writer.

What printer are you using and is the driver setup? CUPS-PDF only gives me Portrait printouts, as far as I have seen with Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 and Linux Mint for the same "era".
For my printers, I use the drivers set to the "highest level" of 
Postscript - PS level 3 - which I was told to use and which fixed a lot 
of issues.
Of course, the switching between portrait to landscape and back to 
portrait within the same document might have printer driver issues, 
since that does not happen very often [in my point of view].  So it 
could be the printer and its driver[s].
To be honest, have you tried using a Windows machine and see if it work 
that way?  If it does, then that might mean it is the Linux printer 
driver setup.
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