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Hi Tom,

I am using intensively shell scripts for example to look up printing dates in 
a large number of files. With a few lines of code (and with sed an unzip) one 
can quickly extract the information from .odt files due to the well defined 

W. K.

 orAm Donnerstag, 20. November 2014 schrieb Tom Davies:
Hi :)
Interesting lack of links to any documentation there.

Also i still think that most people are going to find full words and widely
used abbreviations MUCH easier to read than clever 1-4 letter abbreviations
that are pretty much unique to the context.  We are obviously going to
carry on disagreeing on that.

With the Rtf file it was almost impossible to spot where&what the actual
contents was.  With Xml the coding tags are clearly defined and limited.
It's much easier to extract the actual words-on-the-page - even for a human
without the benefit of so much as a simple text-editor's colour-coding.

Also ODF 1.0/1.1 has been an established ISO format since 2006.  Tons of
programs are able to implement it as per that ISO specification and set
that as a default.

Rtf never quite got that far.  Almost all of it's implementations are quite
different from each other.  It's never been much of a "standard".  You can
grumble that it's everyone else's fault as much as you like but that
doesn't improve the implementation in anything.  You never quite know what
to expect when opening an Rtf in any program other than whatever it was
written with.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 20 November 2014 09:57, Urmas <> wrote:
"Cley Faye":


So, somehow arbitrary BASE64-encoded data are fine in ODF yet an obstacle
in RTF?


It is not documented there: it says it can be an arbitrary string with no
effect defined.



\cfN    Foreground color (default is 0). N specifies the color as an
index of the color table.
\kerningN    Point size (in half-points) above which to kern character
pairs. \kerning0 turns off kerning.
\dbch    The text consists of double-byte characters.

 RTF was changed on numerous occasion in non-retrocompatible ways,


 accross several MS tools (namely MS Word and Wordpad) you get

completely different results for the same file

Different features supported give different results. Yet Arial 10pt red
will stay Arial 10pt red everywhere, so the format definitely works.

 A RTF file is less "human-readable" than the content.xml file in an ODT

XML isn't more readable than RTF.

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