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On 10/27/2014 07:55 AM, Adrenolin wrote:
So I can select an area of a column "=SUM(B2:B50)" and have it add and
produce a total in say B51. Thats fine but fairly simplistic and I need
more. Completely new to spreadsheets and how to do this stuff.

1. Can I add ALL of Column B, Minus B1 and have the total of the column
display in B1?
You should use the first row to label your columns and and put your total for Cost Each in B2
     Use this formula in your first paragraph:
a) Click B2 to select it.
b) Enter this into B2: =SUM(B3:1048576) [1048576 is the last row in a Calc sheet]
2. Column B is a Cost/Each, C is Quantity, D is Shipping & E is Total Cost.
Is there a way to multiply B & C then add D and display in E for each row?
Yes, I understand C would have to be at least 1 or greater and not empty. :)
     This is basic algebra plus one additional step:
a) Click E3 to select it.
b) Enter this into E3: =B3*C3+D3 using the <Enter> key [This gives the total cost for row 3] c) Drag the "handle" down the column to copy this formula into each row of the E column.
     When you enter the formula into cell E3, a black box appears 
around E3 with a small black at the bottom right corner which we call a 
"handle". Click on it and drag it down the column. One note: it is going 
to take some time for Calc to copy the formula into the 1048573 rows.
     Someone else may know of a way to copy the formula into all the 
rows more quickly.
     This could also be done with a database. The data would be entered 
into a table. Then in a query you could have four columns: Cost/Each, 
Quantity, Shipping and Total Cost. The last column would apply the 
formula you need to each row of your table.
Any detailed explanation, tip, link to a how-to would be so appreciated!
I've only found a few examples and pretty basic.


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