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Hi :)
I am copying some of the message back to the mailing list in the hope that
someone can help with it.

I think the answer is to create columns by using the menus
Format - Columns

The buttons/icons tend to be just for the simplest case possible.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 29 September 2014 20:34, Carole Edwards Caruso <>

Hi -

 Tim and Jean's answers should help you revert to an earlier release of
LibreOffice which doesn't have the problem.
I will try this after I hear back from Jean.

 Wrt the columns issue it's not clear to my exactly what you mean.
Surely it's just a;
Format - Cells - Alignment - Vertical alignment - Top of cells
I suspect i am missing the point or not understanding what you are
trying to do though.  Sorry! :(

All I want to do is write a text document in two parallel columns on the
same page with space between the two columns. LibreOffice has this function
even though they balance the columns by default, which is not what I want.

 Sadly your email only came to me privately due to the stupid dumb way
the mailing lists are set-up and i suspect the same thing happened to
answers to Tim and Jean too.  Sorry about that!  You need to do "Reply
to all" and make sure the
Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org <mailto:Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org>
address is included in the "To" or "CC" field.

Thank you for explaining this. I have copied it for future reference. I
could not figure this out so just sent personal replies to your welcome

For now, I am back to using Lotus WordPro for rtf files. Walking on thin
ice I know.

I an anxious to hear what InDesign has to say about this.

Thanks for your comments.


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