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On 09/25/2014 08:00 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 07:24 25/09/2014 -0400, Tim Lungstrom wrote:
As for the "brochure" page formatting, I do not use the "printing option" but manually create the three columns per sheet side and choose the margins/borders then so it is easier for me to create what I need and see the results without waiting for the printing stage.
But you are missing the point of the original question, in fact. What 
LibreOffice calls a "brochure" (and what was being asked about) is not 
a single sheet with columns that can be folded into three (interesting 
though that is), but a way of preparing a continuous document with 
full pages half the size of the printed paper and then printing them 
two pages to a side and - this is the clever bit - having the page 
images automatically ordered so that the whole can be folded into a 
If the document has eight pages, for example, printing it as a 
brochure will print pages 8 and 1 on one side of one sheet and pages 2 
and 7 on the back. A second sheet has pages 6 and 3 on the front and 4 
and 5 on the back. Fold these together (and possibly staple them along 
the fold) and you have a booklet with pages 1 to 8 in order. Try doing 
that manually - and then try adjusting the result to print three pages 
when you find you need a ninth page!
Brian Barker

Sorry, I lost/erased/etc. the original postings before I really read 
this thread.  Been offline for a week or so and a lot of posts/threads 
got erased [an "oops" happened when dealing with the folder options] due 
to the number of unread messages in the User List message folder.
The "brochure" wording is a "booklet" to my printing background.  So I 
will have to look into that option more carefully.
The borderless paper options still is valid to force the printer not to 
add their own margins/borders when you set your margins/borders to 
something less than the printer likes.  I use it all the time when I 
need the whole page [side to side, top to bottom] to have printed text 
or foreground/background images very close to the edges of the paper, or 
need to use a much smaller margin than the printer "likes or requires" 
when printing out standard letter or A4 sheets.
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