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Hi :)
Ok, so it's a Doc that was originally made in LO 4.2.x.  Although the
comments are being added by MS Office 2010 it 'should' be able to be read
with the 4.3.0, imo, but is just not working :(  It is nice to hear that
even after opening and saving in LO, despite LO not seeing the comments the
comments do reappear when the file is opened with MS Office 2010 again or
with MS Office 2007.  Still, it must be a bit annoying!

I think it might well be worth writing a bug-report about it.  It might be
a feature request but either way we apparently have at least 1 dev fairly
interested in fixing this sort of thing so now is a good time to post a
bug-report about it, to hopefully grab her/his attention;

Apols and regards from
Tom :)

On 20 August 2014 13:30, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
Tbh i am not sure.  The 4.3.0 made it easier to cope with comments on
slide-shows (i think) but i'm not sure if that would help with comments
from Word.

Which format do they use?  Is is DocX or the older Doc?  If it's DocX then
do you know what version of MS Office they need you to use to be compatible
with them?  A clue might be if you are already using a version of MS
Office.  Do you know which one you are using?  Is it MS Office 2007 or an
earlier one?  If it's earlier then they are being sensible enough to use
the older Doc format and that should be working just fine on LibreOffice.
The DocX keeps changing all the time so probably other people would be
having the same problem as you, or different problems.

It's funny how they seem to insist on you buying a program that only runs
on 1 or 2 platforms and that costs money to buy but wont consider using
something that can be used for free on nearly any platform!  I wonder if
they have thought about it or are just happy to squander money without
thinking about it.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 20 August 2014 12:38, Rogier F. van Vlissingen <>

Ever since version 4.0 I have not been able to use LibreOffice
interchangeably with others who are using word in proofreading projects.

LibreOffice continues to strip out the comments in a .doc file completely,
so I am forced to using MSWord.

What gives?

*Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen <>*
*About Me <>*

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