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Le 16/07/2014 13:17, Tom Davies a écrit :

Using an external back-end might get around the Java issue.  MySql/MariaDb
and Postgresql don't need java do they?

No, using an external backend does not get around the Java issue, if you
want to use the built-in Pentaho LO report builder - this is all Java
and requires the Java bridge to be instantiated and working, in other
words, you need to tell LO that you have a JVM somewhere (preferably one
that works with LO too).

Also the internal HsqlDb back-end is being swapped out to be replaced by
Firebird as the internal back-end.  If that does work then maybe the
reliance on Java will be over.

That won't make a hoot of a difference until the report builder gets
replaced by a C++ or python alternative.


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