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Brian Barker has written on 6/18/2014 7:57 AM:
At 11:59 18/06/2014 +0200, Cley Faye wrote:
2014-06-18 2:37 GMT+02:00 Brian Barker:
At 20:59 17/06/2014 +0200, Cley Faye wrote:
Unfortunately, not directly. And there is (as far as I know) no 
simple "viewer" that could be used for this purpose, ...

On the contrary, if the target platform is Windows (but not other 
operating systems), it can use the freeware Powerpoint Viewer from Microsoft: .

While this can be helpful for peoples having to go back and forth 
between the odp and the ppt format, I have a hard time considering 
that a ppt viewer is a viable alternative to view odp files.

For the avoidance of doubt, I didn't suggest this, of course: the 
original query claimed to be (as the Subject header still indicates) 
about a Powerpoint presentation, not an Impress one (albeit perhaps 
saved as such from LibreOffice). You may be interpreting "Powerpoint 
presentation" to mean just "presentation" (which could even have been 
what the original questioner meant but didn't say).

I trust this helps.

Thanks, Brian. My question was prompted because a member of my wife's
garden club brought a PP on a flash drive for a seminar and then tried
to plug it in to another member's laptop, a laptop that did not have the
PP executable installed!

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