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TomW <tomwebb <at>> writes:
On 2014-06-13 15:03, Regina Henschel wrote:
Richard Heathfield schrieb:
In Excel, I would specify a table and create the chart from the 
table. Then, adding a row to the table would automatically
regenerate the chart to include the new data.

Is this possible in LibreOffice?

[...] The trick is, to add a dummy row [...]

After reading this, I recalled something I had seen in the Options Dialog:

Tools|Options|Calc|General|Expand references when new columns/rows are 

With this enabled, if you go to the select next empty row below your 
data, then insert a row, it expands the chart reference.
This works with Version (Build ID: e183d5b), Version: 
Build ID: 63150712c6d317d27ce2db16eb94c2f3d7b699f8 and Version: Build ID: a06aa316117a6ff0f05c697c82831c227812d810, all on 

Hi TomW. Thanks for giving this some thought. I looked, and that option is
indeed available in my version of LO. The problem with the dummy record
solution is that you have this dummy record on the end of your data... and
the problem with your solution is that you have to remember to *insert* a
row rather than just add one... which means writing a reminder there, which
means you effectively have a dummy record anyway, but one that isn't
included in the graph data. So it is a marginal improvement on Regina's
suggestion. A better solution would be for LibreOffice to support tables.
From what I've seen in my tour around various support channels, though, it
may be that LibreOffice people think "table" means "a word-processory sort
of grid thing", rather than "fantastically powerful spreadsheet concept". Ah

Anyway, yes, that's an improvement, and I'll adopt it immediately. Thanks!

  Richard Heathfield

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