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Every day, I add another row to my spreadsheet. This row's data must be
included in an existing chart, so the data range must grow by one row every
day. (The data hardly matters - if it helps, one example would be a record
and graph of all daily maximum temperatures since date X.)

In Excel, I would specify a table and create the chart from the table. Then,
adding a row to the table would automatically regenerate the chart to
include the new data.

Is this possible in LibreOffice?

Up until now, my workaround was to specify an excessively large data range,
cheerfully add my data once per day, and just update the range whenever
reality caught up with it.

Alas, a few days ago I finally updated to Precise Pangolin (or whatever it's
called), and this installed an update to LibreOffice which "helpfully"
rounds down my deliberately inflated data ranges. If I could stop
LibreOffice doing that, that would be an acceptable solution.

Any ideas much appreciated.

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