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Hi :)
Errr, so it's best to find a way of test-driving the Extension and see if
it does the main things you need it for.  There are fancy options such as
1.  installing a 2nd copy of OO or LO alongside whichever one you have at
the moment.
2.  use a different machine
3.  use a "Live Cd/Usb"  (I think Win8 has these now?  Usually a Linuxy
thing tho)
4.  install a Virtual Machine such as "Virtual Box", install an OS onto
that and then LO into that OS (lots of work but you might have a VM for
other reasons too)
5.  find an old machine from somewhere or one you dont care about much and
test it on there

My route would probably be to just risk it on my own (non-Windows) machine
and if it went wonky then just reinstall LO.  Before installing the
Extension it is worth "backing up" your "User Profile"
Usually i just do a copy&paste into the same folder and rename the copy to
have today's date in reverse, such as
and then after installing the Extension make another back-up of the new one
and call it something like
before starting to fiddle around with the 'new toy'.

Of course if you uninstall and reinstall LO then the same Extensions and
configs are picked up by the 'new' version.  Usually that's handy because
it means you can keep on upgrading LO without having to redo all your
configs, layouts, templates, galleries, etc etc.  However if a new
Extension has broken your LO then just reinstalling LO probably wont help!
Instead you just have to rename your User Profile (and often not bother
with reinstall because the renaming sets LO "back to factory defaults" and
often that magically fixes everything).

So, really i would just try it out and see if it works on my own machine
machine.  Errr, unless that was Windows and unless i had a deadline fast
approaching and no other machine i could hop onto if things got weird.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 13 June 2014 11:15, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
It's a "how long is a piece of string" type question.

The simple answer is yes - they both use the same languages, systems,
protocols and formats.  However, LibreOffice has been substantially
rewritten and has developed fast over the few years that it's been around
now.  Almost everyting that had been written in Java is now written in
something more reliable such as Python or C++.  Some people say the 2
programs are hugely different now even if they appear to look the same on
the surface to most of us normal users.

Clever Extensions/Add-on/Plug-in writers may have written their code to be
flexible enough to cope with the quite radical changes but some may not
have foreseen so much change.  Also some Extensions may have been written
in the past few years to help with functionality which LO does have but OO
doesn't.  Some of the older Extensions written for OO that don't work might
be easy for a dev to upgrade to work on both but some are under proprietary
licenses and may need the original devs to do the upgrade.  For the most
part they might well be pleased to hear that people are still keen on their
Extensions and might well help.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 13 June 2014 03:09, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <>

I publish the same extension to both LO and AOO and it works fine in both.

The extension will work, or not, based on how the extension is written.
What is the extension? Do you know the implementation language? If

My extension is in basic so there is no external dependency, which means
that it should work on any platform or distribution (unless I use an API
that was changed in one or the other). I would say just install it and see
if it works. That said, if they have a different version based on the
platform, it is less likely to work. If it is written in basic, it is
probably fine. In C++, I expect that it might not work; but I am only

Which extension is it? What platform do you use (windows? Linux? Mac?)

On 06/12/2014 06:05 PM, peter9999 wrote:

Hi! I want to install some extensions from Openoffice in LO, can I do it
without any severe problems? Will they function in Libreoffice?


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