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Most of the files I tried to open have not changed in quite a while.
One I was editing earlier today at work and had no trouble with it at

To be sure, I restored a backup copy of the first file I tried to
open, one I saved last night, and magically it, too, is "corrupt."

I visually inspected a .csv file and it looks fine.  I made a copy and
it opens fine.

So it appears to be limited to .o[dt]? (open document format) files.

However, when I close the files, even the ones it says are corrupt and
the (not corrupted) .csv file, the LO lock files are not getting

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:46 PM, MR ZenWiz <> wrote:
I was running LO writer just now, and suddenly all my files are
corrupt - templates, documents, spreadsheets, everything.  I can't
even open a new document.

I have LO 4.2.4 running on Xubuntu 12.04 LTS.

My system is in the middle of an upgrade, but I'm not sure how that
could be part of the problem.

Any suggestions?

I can go back to an earlier version, but I've been using 4.2.4 since
shortly after it came out and never saw anything like this, or on any
earlier revisions either.


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