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Le 02/06/2014 17:59, Vitorio Delage a écrit :

Hi Vitorio,

1) Put more filter criterias in the Standard Filter window. We use 3 for a basic search. Yes, our 
database is complex. Doubling it to 6 would be good, using an dynamically extensible list of 
criterias (similar of what iTunes provide when creating a new smart playlist) would be great! Is 
there a simple hack to do it or do I need to fill a bug/feature report?

Current limitation, as far as I'm aware ===> feature request on bugzilla

2) Also in the Standard Filter window, we got a logical problem. We wanted to filter criterias A 
AND (B OR C) but there is no way to do it. If you try to put 3 criterias 1 AND 2 OR 3 you will 
obtain the logic (1 AND 2) OR 3. Tried also the inverse without better luck: 1 OR 2 AND 3 is also 
resolved as 1 OR (2 AND 3).
As our or is on looking text in the same field, I also tried to put in a single criteria as 
"text" like 'this|that' but the Standard filter doesn't seem to use the | operator.
Any help on how I could do this logic?

Have you tried (B or C) AND A in that order ? Just a wild guess.

The standard filter is rather limited, so views would be better, but of
course, as you mentioned, relies on creating as many views as there are
scenarii, a subboptimal solution IMHO.


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