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At 21:32 28/05/2014 +1000, Keith Bates wrote:
I'm in unfamiliar territory, searching a QIF file for a single badly formatted transaction. I've exported the original moneydance file to a tab limited file with the thought of searching for a non-numeric character in the transaction amount column. The only problem is I can't work out the appropriate Reg. Exp to search for characters that are not numeric or a "." My brain just refuses to twist into the required contortions to work out regular expressions!

Can someone give me the formula required in the "Find" box in libre office please?

I see this question has already been answered. But an alternative technique may be to import the data into a spreadsheet. Transaction amounts should surely appear as numbers but any rogue value would appear as text. You can spot the difference in a variety of ways:

o Numbers are right-aligned by default, whereas text values are left-aligned.
o View | Value Highlighting (or Ctrl+F8) will colour numbers blue but leave text values black. o In a separate column, enter a formula such as =IF(ISNUMBER(Xn);"";"Rogue value!") and fill it down the column. o Create a visible cell style - perhaps with a coloured background. Apply conditional formatting, using "Formula is" and NOT(ISNUMBER(Xn)) - applying your new cell style. Use the Format Paintbrush to apply this down the column.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

PS: What's "Turth", please?

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