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Hey Mark,
Thank you! That works great. Before, I had gotten as far as selecting the frame, but never thought of the tab key to move to the next frame. Being an old DOS person, I am lost without my keyboard shortcuts. Never did much like the mouse for this type of work - it seems like it constantly interrupts my work rhythm :-)
Ruth Ann

On 5/1/2014 3:43 PM, wrote:
Ruth Ann wrote:
<<<<Ctrl>+<R,L,U orD> cursor movements seem to advance from cell to cell
in a Writer table, rather than word to word as in a paragraph.
<Ctrl>+<Home> takes you to first table cell. <Ctrl>+<End> <Ctrl>+<End>
takes you to the last cell.>>>

Thank you, Stuart, that does indeed work. Except I found that <Ctrl>+ U
or D moves me from cell to cell while <Ctrl> R or L moves me to top or
bottom of table.
I am using LO version on Windows 8.

Now for the next question. On a page of labels (specifically
Avery_8160), is there a keyboard shortcut to move from label to label?
Ruth Ann, Cincinnati, OH USA

It looks like the label templates use frames, with a frame for each label. The following seems to work: - If you've just been typing in a frame, or don't have one selected at all, press Shift+F4 to select the next one (or Esc to exit edit mode and select the one you've been typing in). - You should now have a frame selected, surrounded by green resize handles in each corner and on each side.
- Press Tab or Shift+Tab to select a different one if you need to.
- Press F2 to enter edit mode, or just start typing.


*This e-mail is a natural product made from Recycled electrons.
The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual
character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects

Ruth Ann Stewart, Cincinnati, OH
dba Cameo Canine

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