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On 04/04/2014 07:44 PM, andrewH wrote:
I am working with a data set that keeps causing my LibreOffice to freeze. I
am pretty sure that this is only because it is big. It is a pipe-separated
text from the US Economic Census imported into Calc, about 30 columns and
around a million rows. (The actual data set is bigger, but Calc quits at a
million-odd. The complete file is about 0.8 gig.) I suspect but can not
prove that this is related to file handling somehow, e.g. breaking down
during auto-saving. The first time I saved the data as a Calc file it took
nearly an hour with the "soffice.bin *32" process running at 25 percent of
CPU time and using about 825 meg of memory the entire time. (Not sure why
this is showing up as a 32-bit version).  And when Calc freezes, all the
LibreOffice programs freeze. So I can't just switch to another file and
noodle away while waiting.
It looks to me as though Calc cannot handle more than 1048576 rows of data,

Do you have more rows than that? If yes, then I think that you cannot open the file.
If you have less than that, and, if you think that you are simply 
running out of memory.... if you can figure out how to get the data to 
me, I can run a test on a 64 bit version (running on Linux). My machine 
has 32 GB of RAM...

Andrew Pitonyak
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