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On 3/25/2014 8:33 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
But who is to say *your* method is better? I can definitely see situations where someone would *want* the formatting from the subdocument to be applied, and vice versa.
In many cases this is true, but if you take that too far... why 
provide the option to have 3rd party fonts?
The bottom line is, just because *you* would do something a certain 
way doesn't mean everyone else will want to do it your way.
Of course, you are right, which is why I said it is "elitist" to think 
that *my* way is the *best* way.
I suppose people can still build spreadsheets by inserting numbers into 
cells and then pulling out their pocket calculators to add up the column 
of numbers (I've seen my students do that).
Or they can individually format all of the paragraphs of 20 or more 
individual documents to write a book.
Liberty means the freedom to do things the hard way if you want. I won't 
deny anyone that freedom. But, if I can save them from it, I will.

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