Hello, On 2/5/2014 6:26 PM, Keith Bates wrote:
Here is the official bug report: https://www.libreoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=74595On 06/02/14 10:21, null wrote:Hello, On 2/5/2014 6:16 PM, Keith Bates wrote:Well, actually, there was an HTML tag in the file before. You may not have seen it because the source was crammed into one line. I think I have enough information to file a bug!Yes!! It works!I see that as well as the other changes relating to the DOCTYPE line you've added a <html> tag.Thank you for helping with this. Feel free to use the file as an example if needed.
Thanks for reporting the issue. Now that it has been reported, it might be fixed.I hope that the devs can fix this soon,
Regards, xmlhttprequest.open@gmail.com
KeithCongrats and regards from xmlhttprequest.open@gmail.comOn 06/02/14 09:56, null wrote:Hello, On 2/5/2014 5:29 PM, Keith Bates wrote:Does this file work?: https://doc-0g-8s-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/8ka37k9nojan5h3m348ambggvqd7vnq8/1391637600000/12418654871184392135/*/0B-6nu1NEycJ0bTMwQWppVUtaZEU?h=16653014193614665626&e=download It is a revised version of the Moneydance file you sent me. It renders fine in LibreOffice. The reason I am asking you to try so many things is so that I can attempt to gather enough information to file a bug.Hi, I've just tried all of those changes and none of them work.Additionally, I've tried opening from a blank Writer/Web document, from file manager, from the opening screen- all with the same result.Just for reference, as we seem to be getting very different results my version of LO reports as Version: Build ID: 420m0(Build:4)Mine reports as: Version: Build ID: 05dceb5d363845f2cf968344d7adab8dcfb2ba71KeithRegards, xmlhttprequest.open@gmail.comOn 06/02/14 09:07, null wrote:Hello,I just discovered something. If the DOCTYPE of the HTML file is not the topmost line (line 1), LibreOffice renders the file fine (instead of showing the source). However, If there is a blank line before the DOCTYPE (like the HTML file Keith uploaded), the HTML parser is tripped and shows the source. So maybe LibreOffice expects the DOCTYPE to be on line 1, and if not on line 1, panics and doesn't render the HTML. But still, LibreOffice shouldn't have trouble rendering the file, even if the person who wrote the HTML (or the generator) didn't follow every strict standard. Web browsers know how to adapt to that kind of stuff. So, the file that Keith uploaded renders successfully in LibreOffice 4.2 if the <!DOCTYPE ...> syntax is corrected to: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/loose.dtd";>, and the DOCTYPE is on line 1. Is anyone able to confirm this?Not to mention the unclosed <P> (paragraph) tag in the HTML file (luckily that didn't seem to influence whether Writer/Web rendered the page correctly).Regards, xmlhttprequest.open@gmail.com On 2/5/2014 2:45 PM, libreoffice-ml.mbourne@spamgourmet.com wrote:Uploading the document to the W3C validator (http://validator.w3.org/) it appears the DOCTYPE is not valid. It should be:-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN (the file is missing "//EN" from the end).The original document doesn't fail with the version of LO I have, so cannot check, but try correcting the DOCTYPE. If that allows the file to open as expected, it appears the problem is with moneydance producing invalid output, rather than with LO.Arbitrarily changing the DOCTYPE to indicate HTML5 may well also fail, as the rest of the document is not valid HTML5.Mark. null wrote:Hello, It looks like the problem is with LibreOffice interpretingDOCTYPEs. You see, every HTML is supposed to have a DOCTYPE at the top of the file, explaining what version of HTML (HTML5, HTML4.01, etc) thefile uses. The file you uploaded has a DOCTYPE of HTML4.01Transitional. Anyway, if I remove the <!DOCTYPE ...> part of the HTML file, and reopen it in LibreOffice, it works just fine, and shows thefile's contents (not the source). Even switching the DOCTYPE to<!DOCTYPE html> (HTML5) causes the problem. So, in theory, if you wantto view an HTML file in LibreOffice 4.2, you have to remove its<!DOCTYPE ...>, and it will work fine. Would you like an official bug to be filed so that the developers know of the problem and can try tofix it? Regards, xmlhttprequest.open@gmail.com On 2/5/2014 12:05 AM, Keith Bates wrote:I've produced a document that doesn't work with LO. It is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbylcso4r2qm2r2/test.html Strangely it does open in Abiword.Earlier documents produced by moneydance as recently as last monthopen fine in LO. I have not upgraded moneydance in that time.Having quickly opened about 20 html's the problem is limited to thoseproduced lately by moneydance.I haven't had time to look closely at the html source. I suppose it'spossible that LO is now being more strict in its interpretation. The work around in the short term might be to use Abiword..
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