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No, I made sure that the "HTML source" item was not selected. I've tried a few different files generated by different sources. Generally they behave as I described, although I did find one that opened correctly. I have no idea what the difference is between those that work and those that don't.

Opening them from a blank html document makes no difference. In fact the title bar just says LO Writer not Writer/Web.

If I start with a blank html document and use Insert-File it shows up as the source.

I'm using the linux version of LO. Are you using Windows or Linux?

On 05/02/14 12:39, null wrote:
In LibreOffice 4.2, there is an option under the View menu in LibreOffice Writer/Web labeled "HTML Source." Be sure that that item is unchecked. Also, if that doesn't fix the problem, try going into LibreOffice, selecting File>New>HTML Document, and once in Writer/Web, go to File>Open and select the HTML file. For me, HTML files load in LibreOffice correctly. Did this fix the issue?


On 2/4/2014 7:28 PM, Keith Bates wrote:
Has anyone experienced this new problem (or is it a feature?) in 4.2?

In previous versions of LO, opening an html file would give you the file as would be seen on a web browser.

In 4.2 it is the actual html code that is displayed. This behaviour happens when opening any html document or inserting an html file into an open LO document.

Does anyone know of a way around this?

I use moneydance to track finances, and it allows reports to be saved in html. Producing printed reports used to be a matter of simply opening the Income and Expenses report in LO, inserting the Account Balances at the end of the report, then edit titles, styles etc at will.

I have discovered that I can open the html files in Firefox, then copy and paste into LO, but that does seem unnecessarily complicated, when it used to just work in a single step.

God bless you
Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
Narrabri NSW
Ph 02 67924890

Jesus is the Way
the Truth and the Life

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