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Hi :)
I was wondering it there is likely to be a slow-down in opening or
normal usage when there are a lot of languages installed.

It might be my imagination but it seems like some of the lower spec
machines here seemed to load LibreOffice more slowly until i dropped
to just 1 or 2 languages per machine.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 29 January 2014 15:58, ♪͡♪♪͡♪Neil Ren♪͡♪♪͡♪ <> wrote:
krackedpress wrote
So how many installed and enabled languages can be used at the same time?
I was told there was a very small limited number.
You can have a fairly large number of languages running parallel in the same
document. However, you have to provide suitable font for each language.As
long as LO supports so many languages within the same document, i don't see
there should be any problem for LO to support spell-checking for each at the
same time as well.I have created a document with 20 languages. You can
download the document and the PDF from and . THe yellow shaded lines are those which you must
set the language from the Character dialog instead of from the status bar.
The green shaded lines are those which LO fails to assign a proper font
automatically.In the document I also included U.S. English "color", U.K.
English "colour" and French "couleur" as a test for multiple dictionary
support. I don't have dictionaries installed on my PC for other languages,
but you can try yourself with aids from google translate.

"雷聲 靐䨻": if you can see four Chinese characters instead of blobs or question marks than your 
browser/OS has a good support for Unicode and CJK characters! (P.S. the four chracters put 
together means "loud thunder")
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