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Hi :)
Another way of following Regina's route is to;
1.  make a copy of the file
2.  rename the file-ending from .docX (or from .odt) to .zip
3.  double click on the zip-file
4.  look in the likely-looking folders until you find the object
5.  drag that out of the document

To fully follow her route you might
6.  delete the object from the zip-file
7.  rename the .zip to .docx (or .odt)
8.  open the file with LibreOffice and carry on with her 2nd-to-last
paragraph (create a link to the object and then delete the remaining

Once you have done that sort of thing once or twice you realise that
you don't really have to rename at all.  Just a right-click allows you
to "open with ...".  Some OSes make it easier.  It's toughest in
Windows because Windows tries to hide the file-ending.  On Windows you
might need to tweak your machine a bit to make it easier and i only
know how to do that on Xp.  It's probably possible on Win7 and Win8
but if i get into anything like this i reboot into Ubuntu or something
to avoid faffing around.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 22 January 2014 22:44, Regina Henschel <> wrote:
Hi Nikolai, schrieb:


Yeah 6.3 word document is huge.  Yes it is embedded into the word document
and I can´t copy it, to paste  it into an external link.  I don´t know
what to do because this semester, I only had one class and next semester I
will have about 10 classes.  In my school, all professors will give
documents with embedded objects.  Any other ideas?

A .docx document is a container format as .odt too. So you can inspect it
with Windows file manager or you unpack it. Then you should be able to
access the embedded object directly and copy it to another place. Then you
can look at its file format and find a suitable application to play it.

If you remove it, LibreOffice will show some kind of "not found" at that
place, but the file will become a lot smaller. Delete the now broken object
and replace it with a hint for you, which file belongs to this place.

What operating system do you use?

Kind regards

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