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Hi :)
How did you create the report?  Did you use the report building wizard
on Base or did you use Writer?  Also are you using an external
back-end or is the database all 1 big file?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 20 January 2014 20:02, Harvey Nimmo <> wrote:

I am new to this list and need some help with Base.

Can anyone help me to create a list report which has one field that may
expand to more that one text line? Most lines of the report in the
detail report section are just one line deep. However, a few fields may
wrap round to more than on line, so the height of the corresponding text
box needs to be expandable and, of course, the height of the detail
section as well. (i.e. similarly to MS Access - sorry, I'll wash my
mouth out ;-)).



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