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On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 00:00:12 +0100
Regina Henschel <> dijo:

Hi John,

John Jason Jordan schrieb:
I have LO on Xubuntu 13.10, and previously used earlier
versions for many years on other distros and operating systems. The
format paintbrush always worked before, but now nothing happens. For
example, I place the cursor in a paragraph to which First Line
Indent paragraph style has been applied, click on the Format
Paintbrush icon (which makes the icon appear depressed), and then
click on a paragraph which has the Default style, and the paragraph
remains in the Default style. I have tried this with many other
types of formatting and none of the formatting of the first
paragraph is applied to the second.

Bug? Or am I doing something wrong? How can I get my format
paintbrush back?

There are several ways to use the format paintbrush. For details see 
Thank you. Apparently there has been a change between the previous
version and In the past it applied all formatting; now it
applies only character formatting unless you hold down Ctrl. I'm not
sure I like this change, because I only ever use it to apply paragraph
formatting and now I have to remember to hold down Ctrl. It's probably
a good thing to separate character formatting from paragraph
formatting, but paragraph formatting is the far more common use of
format paintbrush, so that should have been the default, not character

Oh well. At least I know it's not a bug.

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