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Hi Gary,

Gary Kline schrieb:
Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
Of_Interest: With 27 years  of service  to the  Unix  community.

        hi guys,

        I've tried everything I ccan think of [ besides asking various
        lists ]  without any luck.  what I am trying to do *seems* simple,
        but no-joy.

        I have a simple equsion that I want to put INSIDE a square.  can
        any libreoffice wizards clue me in?
There is no wizard, you have to do it yourself.

        (The formula string is simply:

int from a to R lim R rightarrow infinity
Strange, I would expect lim from {R toward infinity} { int from a to R{ 
{f(t) "d"t }}}
        and you guys can imaging what that outputs. )

        How, then, do I get libreoffice|formula to create a
        medium-thickness "square" that I can save as, say, "Integraly.pdf".


        gary kline

Do you want the *.pdf to only show the formula and no white space 
outside the square?
Then you need to define a page in the desired size. Set the page margins 
to 0cm. The pdf-export uses the page size and not the size of the 
selected object.
For to get the square there are several methods:
- You can use the property "Line" of the formula object. You will have to tweak the formula property Format > Spacing > Category > Borders to get a square. - You can draw a square in page size and then write the formula in front of it.
- In Writer you can use the property "Border" of the page.
- In Writer you can use a frame with its border and put the formula inside the frame.
Kind regards

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