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I don't know what "user channel" on IRC you tried, but both #ubuntu and #python would be my first choices. Also note, that there's no telling who's listening at any one snapshot in time, so you want to repeat your question there at various times throughout the day & night. You get very different pools of knowledge at different times - especially "after hours" when the other side of the world wakes up. One person may simply tell you to go elsewhere to find your answer, or that what you're trying is simply not possible - while the same question posed two hours later may very well result in a solution from someone else that just showed up (or started paying attention).
For the record, don't argue with anyone because you never know who has 
power there, and they may decide to ban you because they're having a bad 
day and don't like how you reacted to what they said - no matter how 
polite you are in your disagreement.  And those bans can last a 
lifetime.  So just nod and smile, wait for that person to go away and 
then ask the question again when they're not paying attention.

On 11/30/2013 10:13 AM, Element Green wrote:
Thank you for the tip.  I previously tried the user channel on IRC, but
didn't get a response at the time.  I have a question field on Appy POD and
Askubuntu, hopefully that turns up something there.

Best regards,


On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 4:21 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
It might be worth talking to the devs on irc or something.  I think
this issue is a bit beyond most of us here.  They might be able to
help you deal with the immediate problem by finding the best version
of LibreOffice for you for now but then maybe help you with upgrading
to a newer version of python and whatever else you are stuck on at the
Regards from
Tom :)

On 30 November 2013 06:20, Alex Thurgood <> wrote:
Le 29/11/2013 22:49, Element Green a écrit :


There is a python3-uno, but it doesn't help me, since Appy POD does not
support Python 3.  The package was called python-uno on previous Ubuntu
versions, but now its marked as deprecated and attempting to install it
indicates that the libreoffice-script-provider-python replaces it.
   Installing this does not provide Python uno support though and from
package description it doesn't sound like that is what its for: "Python
script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework".
 From what I can tell, my Ubuntu 13.04 has both python-uno (using python
or python3-uno as mutually exclusive installable possibilities. That
appear to have changed with the release of Ubuntu 13.10 ?

Does anyone know if Python uno support depends on the libreoffice
   If Ubuntu 13.10 did indeed drop Python uno support for 2.7, do I have
find another source for the libreoffice binaries to get this to work?

I seem to recall that Python3 support was introduced as the default with
switch to the LO 4.1 series, which is what is supplied with Ubuntu
13.10, I

If you want to carry on using pyuno built against python 2.7, I guess you
will need to completely remove the Ubuntu provided LO and python
dependencies, and attempt to install either an earlier version of an
provided LO package (if possible), or else the DEB packages available
the LO download site, which will not integrate in the same way as the
provided packages.


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