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Hi :)
I am hoping to move the company newsletter to Scribus, or something.

A couple of years ago we moved it to LibreOffice from MS Office and
since then many people have commented on the vast improvement in
quality.  Also it takes just a couple of days now where it used to
take 1-2 weeks.  Plus it opens on all machines without crashing any of
them.  When i was first given the hopeless mess i had to use one of
the worst machines in the building and i'd have to reboot Windows
several times per day.

To be fair when i moved it to LibreOffice i was also able to do neat
little tricks like removing 2 or 3 bars of single colour that were
each a separate image of around 200Kb each and replace with 1 gif of 1
pixel x 1 pixel.  Also swapped out many of the logos for better
quality ones of a more suitable size.  Where LO really scored was in
allowing much greater precision in placing logos neatly rather than
just plonking them down.

However even before those neat tricks, and even when i was still using
the MS format, LO still allowed me to use the same machine without
crashing until around the end-of-day.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 28 November 2013 07:59, Ian Whitfield <> wrote:
Thanks for the comments Tom

You are right - I was meant to send it to the Scribus Forum but I selected
the wrong eMail address!!

"My Bad" as they say these days!!

Regarding your comments - what you say makes a lot of sense.

All the best

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