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On 11/15/2013 01:46 PM, jonathon wrote:

On 11/11/2013 05:13 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

You go to the opening web page,, and LO
is promoting Version 4.  Click download, and as of right now, you end up
downloading 4.1.3.  But, you go for documentation, and it's for 4.0. 
Say what?!?!?
That is because the LibO program release cycle is much faster than the
LibO documentation release cycle.


our volunteer documentation people do what they can to keep up with the
release cycle, but after you work 40-60 hours a week at your paid job,
then deal with family commitments, etc., etc., each person can only have
so much time per week to work in writing/editing the "books".

4.0.0 came out in December 2012, and 4.1.0 came out the following may. 
4.0.6 just came out, which is the last of its line.  So we have two
lines out and being used right now.  4.2.0 comes out soon as well. 
Mostly the 4.0 documentation works with the 4.1 line.  There will be a
few new things in the 4.1 line not covered, but it may not be needed,
for now.

Each book is over 400 pages.  It could be over 100,000 words in each
book.  So it can take time to go through the material in a 4.0 book to
turn it into a 4.1 or 4.2 book.  All of the references need to be
checked and changed, as needed.  All of the images/graphics have to be
updated.  That takes a lot of time.  Then there are the people who
double and triple check the information.  Well, a simple paperback book
could take a year from the rough manuscript to the edited and polished
final version for publication.  We self-publish the books and have
printed copies through a print-on-demand service.  If we mess up the
documentation somewhere, it is not something we want to re-publish as a
"sorry but here is the corrected version" version of a book.  I have
seen a few books with "version 2 with corrections from the last release"
on their cover - front or back.

So I want to thank all of our volunteers who are part of the
documentation team[s].  There are too few of them and too much work for
them, but they do their best for our project.

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