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On 10/25/2013 01:57 PM, Joel Madero wrote:
On 10/25/2013 01:15 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
On 10/25/2013 12:02 PM, william drescher wrote:
I just upgraded to Version
(Build ID: 5464147a081647a250913f19c0715bca595af2f)

Now I have duplicate "open" buttons on the standard toolbar. Both have tooltips that say "Open (ctrl + O)"
not a problem for me, just wondered


same here.  I reported it about a month ago.


Can I get the # of the bug report.

All the best,

Hi :)
Did you install through Synaptic, or another package manager (ie from the repos or Ppas) or did you download from the LibreOffice website? Did you install the desktop-integration packages?
Regards from
Tom :)

   *From:* John R. Sowden <>
   *Sent:* Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 21:09
   *Subject:* [libreoffice-users] 2 'opens' in file menu?

   I have 2 "Open" menu options, both seem to to do the same thing. I have
   version under Ubuntu


above is the communications re: this issue. I tried about a year ago to send a bug report, and it was so involved for something simple that I gave up, taking the attitude that if whatever it was then was bad enough, others would endure the bug reporting torture. It is possible that it was, as I used it after star office.
Re: tom's questions, I really don't know.  I don't record that kind of 
data, and I use Ubuntu on several computers.  I am currently using LO under Ubuntu 13.10, and the open/open are still in the file menu.

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