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On 10/25/13 4:35 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
On 23/10/2013 18:31, Ken Springer wrote:

Alex, apologies for the cynicism, but they could have gotten a
developer's preview version of Mavericks before it was released.  I have
two commercial programs installed here that did just that, so they could
have their software ready for the Mavericks release.

I doubt money would have been an issue, anyone upgrading to Mavericks
gets the new OS for free.

Well my upgrade to Mavericks hosed my MacMini OSX 10.8.5 installation
and the hard disk on which it was installed, to the extent that the
installation would not complete, the system would not reboot, and the
disk could not even be repaired - now that's what I call a
professionally made OS, thanks Apple ;-)

Things like this is why I'm leery of upgrading. But I also see no reason to upgrade. From reading Apple's Mavericks page, it sounds like the major changes are mostly better interoperability with iOS. I don't have a single iOS device, so that means nothing to me. Tabbed browsing I solved some time ago using XtraFinder (free). Tags, which aren't the magic jelly bean for searches some think it is, are supported by PathFinder 6 which I also have installed.

I have Mountain Lion installed with two boot partitions. I wonder if, destroying one by Mavericks would also destroy the ability to boot from the other partition.

Will now have to see if TimeMachine did the backups properly...

The couple times I've used Time Machine to restore my computer due to my errors, it's worked fine.


Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 24.0
Thunderbird 17.0.8

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