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Hi :)
Errr, it's probably an attachment that just needs to be downloaded/saved onto your machine first.  
Another way is to open the file and then choose "Save As ..." to save the file onto your computer 
properly.  Then the icon-bar and stuff should become visible or stop being "greyed out".  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: M Henri Day <>
To: Michael Hartigan <> 
Cc: "LibreOffice, users" <> 
Sent: Saturday, 28 September 2013, 20:12
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] downloaded .doc file will only open as read-only

2013/9/28 Michael Hartigan <>

I have a job application in .doc format, which LibreOffice will only open
in read-only mode.  I need to fill in the fields and send it back to my
prospective employer in .doc format.  I have checked the file properties
and it is not a read-only file.  I am using
Build ID: 89ea49ddacd9aa532507cbf852f2bb22b1ace28

and am running Windows 8.

Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.


​Michael, have you tried copying the entire text of the document in
question with «Ctrl+A» and pasting it into a new document with «Ctrl+V» ?
That should allow you to fill in the required fields and therewith resolve
the problem....​


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