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Hi :)
Try "password" as the password.  There are several other commonly used passwords but that one is 
the commonest by far.

It's like using 1234, 1111 or 2222 as the pin number for a bank card.  If you happen to find a bank 
card that doesn't belong to you and try those 3 numbers you have something like a 25% chance of 
getting into their account.  'Borrow' 4 cards and you are going to look dodgy trying 1 card after 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Michael Hartigan <>
To: Steve Edmonds <> 
Sent: Saturday, 28 September 2013, 20:55
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] downloaded .doc file will only open as read-only

it asks for a password.  Wouldn't it be funny if they sent me a PW'd file
without a password to open it.   I will get in touch with them.  Thank you

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Steve Edmonds

On 2013-09-29 08:05, Michael Hartigan wrote:

I have a job application in .doc format, which LibreOffice will only open
in read-only mode.  I need to fill in the fields and send it back to my
prospective employer in .doc format.  I have checked the file properties
and it is not a read-only file.  I am using
Build ID: 89ea49ddacd9aa532507cbf852f2bb**22b1ace28

and am running Windows 8.

Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.


Have you tried clicking the little pencil button (edit) to the left of the
pdf button in the tool bar.

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