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On 09/13/2013 04:51 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
The .config folder is a hidden folder as well, so that messes people up as well. I know where it is located with Debian-based Linux, Like Ubuntu and Mint, but not on the RPM based installs of LO. I do not know why you do not have those two parts. I recently did a clean install on a new drive. So it all has been mostly "default" installs. I did not add anything to LO except the dictionary .oxt file.
Yes, I've become aware of the hidden nature of the .config folder.

I installed Linux Mint 15 a month or so ago, and used the LO 4.0.2 that came with it. I recently upgraded to 4.0.5, but I honestly don't recall if the hyphenation was working before the upgrade or not. So far, I've just played in Linux, slowly and patiently migrating as Tom recently mentioned.
I just renamed my user profile, reinstalled my American English 
dictionaries, and nothing changed. I still have no hyphenation or 
grammar modules.

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