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Hi :)
Thanks Dan!  So forms done in Writer are effectively "read only" and to make forms that allow 
data-entry really needs the forms to be made in Base?  

That makes more sense than what i was thinking.  Thanks for clarifying that for me! :)

Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Dan Lewis <>
Sent: Friday, 6 September 2013, 17:27
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Suggestions: Sorry but the feedback page is not working, I am 
sending by email

Comment in-line

On 09/06/2013 12:14 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It's fine posting to the Users List to start with.  We might be able to deal with issues directly 
and if not then we can signpost you to more appropriate places.

I'm not sure why "OfficeSecurity" is involved so they might be dropped from subsequent replies.

Base forms and reports 'should' be written in Writer or Calc rather than in Base itself shouldn't 
they?  That would protect users from seeing the Base interface and just present normal users with 
the familiar interface they get in Writer or Calc.

Base forms are created using Writer, but they are *not* the same thing 
as X-Forms. The purpose of forms in Base is to enter data into the 
tables of the database. This is not a purpose that X-Forms in Writer nor 
anything in Calc can provide.


With macros i think the problem is that MS uses a different language for macros and their macros 
keep being used as an attack vector for malware.  So, all sorts of ways have had to be built to 
prevent  macros from executing whenever they want.

Sadly, LibreOffice uses a different version of Basic that doesn't seem to have  had security 
issues "out in the wild" (afaik).  A
   couple of times people have been urged to upgrade to new branches to
avoid known issues that were fixed in the newer branch but that was almost entirely preventative 
rather than reactive.  I think LibreOffice even allows a few other languages to be used, such as 

So, if people write macros using the language(s) that  LibreOffice uses then presumably those 
macros don't have to be imported/converted?

Sorry i don't know any of this from 1st hand experience but just have my opinions built-up from 
the many posts on the Users List about these topics so i could easily have misunderstood things.
Regards from
Tom :)

   From: Rodrigo Bigo <>
Sent: Friday, 6 September 2013, 13:08
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Suggestions: Sorry but the feedback page is not working, I am 
sending by email

Sorry but the feedback page is not working, I am sending by email

Via Google


I downloaded the package LibreOffice, because I am currently the a Visual
Basic and MsAccess programmer.

And I thought a very good tool, however I would like to send some

The suggestions are:

1 - Password Option to prevent the drawing mode for end users, objects from
the database as Forms, Tables, Reports, and Macros

2 - Option to start creating a form that would be a menu option to open
other forms, views, tables, queries and reports.

3 - Boot Options to a database, with the ability to more easily hide the
toolbars and menus.

End users are not familiar with many tools and buttons. And they need ease
and simplicity to be able to use a program.

4 - To have to import macros, and ask the password protection code,
discourages programmers to distribute databases for end-users and even by
the internet. Ideally macros not needed to be imported, and they would only
be allocated in a sub-folder of the archive database.

If these options could be implemented, surely this would stimulate much
MsAccess programmers to migrate to LibreOfficeBase.

Thank you.

Best Regards

Rodrigo Bigo Jr

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