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Hi :)  

I don't know why "Trend Micro" would block our site when you use Firefox or Opera.  I've never 
heard of "Trend Micro" and wonder if it's a Microsoft tool or some other 3rd party that has a 
vested interest in locking you in to only buying products from themselves.  Perhaps they need 
people to pay a fee and register with them in order to be considered 'safe' in a similar way to the 
certificate system that MS use for their web-browser.  

If you were to copy any of our pages to your machine and then scan them then almost all anti-virus 
programs find them completely safe.  Similarly with our downloads.  1 person did report that Avira 
had a false positive but i think Avira have fixed that now.  

Thanks for letting us know about the issue as other people might consider it "a blocker" if their 
security gives a warning.  I'm passing your message (below) on to our "Websites Team".  

Thanks and regards from 

Tom :)  

 From: Paul Hayward <>
Sent: Sunday, 1 September 2013, 23:12
Subject: [libreoffice-users] FYI - Trend Micro is blocking your LO 4.1.1 download page

Hello, it appears that 'Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security 
Services' is blocking your LibreOffice 4.1.1 download page, and rating 
it as "Dangerous" (see attached graphic). This may be due to some 
'donate' code that seems to run, or perhaps some other reason. Your 
download site gets blocked in both Firefox (23) and Opera (12).

If you go to the Trend Micro site safety center  ( ), and enter the url  "
", it will return a "Dangerous" rating, with the following explanation:  
"/The latest tests indicate that this URL contains malicious software or 

Just thought I'd pass this info along.

Paul Hayward

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