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Am 21.08.2013 15:54, schrieb Nino Novak:
Am 21.08.2013 06:42, schrieb David Love:

7. Print as mailmerge (or form letter or whatever it's called) into 1

I do this by Printing to file.  The first ticket is correct.  Tickets number
2, 3 and 4 are not numbered.  It then goes to the next page where the first
ticket is numbered 2 and the other three are not numbered.  And so it goes
on until the end of the records.  Each page is the next number.

then the "Next Record" fields seem to not work, see below.

Oh, I think here I draw the wrong conclusion: If the field numbers are
"empty" then only the number fields from the first ticket have been
correctly inserted, the other fields must be somehow wrong.

However - make the fields visible with Ctrl+F9 (or View > Field Names)
then look what's wrong with them :-)

BTW: If you want a preview of the resulting Merged Document on the fly,
you can select a couple of rows in the F4 data source window (click on
the first row, then shift-click on the tenth row or so, so that they are
all marked blue) and click on the "Data to fields" button in the data
source window.


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