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Hello All,

I'm having an issue with how spreadsheets are being handled in alfresco and I'm trying to track the 
source down. Here's the issue....When I upload any document into alfresco I can go to that document 
and it gives a "preview" of it in portrait form. That's wonderful if all documents were portrait 
rather than landscape. This creates a conflict when uploading spreadsheets. For whatever reason it 
"previews" in portrait instead of landscape. Looking at the document details they are in landscape. 
When downloading the document it is still in landscape. So I've ruled those out. I've got it down 
to either how libreoffice handles the document OR it might be pdf2swf when converting it to a flash 

I know I'm probably shooting blindly at this, but I'm wondering if anyone else has come across this 
issue. I've asked in alfresco forums and no one seems to have an answer there.

Joshua Bitto
Information Technologist

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