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Hi Ian

You have already had a number of responses, Just as a test bench, have you tried to create a document of any type in LO and then reading and writing to it with OfficeSuite 7 Pro. If that works, it will help all of use responding to help drill down to the issue.

I am using the Sony Ericsson Xperia (two years old now), with Android ICS, and it has by default the OfficeSuite Pro 7.2.1318 built in, and I have no issue with any LO documents I create or transfer to and from it, and in .docx and .xlsx etc. formats, both in Windows 7 or Ubuntu Linux. As has been covered in replies, there is a large choice of formats, when choosing "Save as".

Personally I don't like Dropbox, too much bad reputation, and very poor practised data security breeches and flaws, your data is basically too visible to the open public space, and unsecured. Not sure if it is also adding to the source of your problem, but not impossible. I have tried now to upload and retrieve using the three I trust, Box, Ubuntu 1 and YouSendIt, and no problems.

I tried three docs, two spread sheets, one in .xlsx and one .xls of 2MB, and a .docx of 870KB. Both Windows and Linux for you, all good, I uploaded from Linux to my mobile device, edited the files, saved then added to online space, and downloaded them to Windows and to Linux, re-edited them, saved and uploaded back to online storage and to device. Device reads them fine.

Hope this help you some more to find your fault.

Andrew Brown

On 10/08/2013 09:49 AM, Ian Dalton wrote:
Good morning,
I'm writing this after contacting officesuite 7 support, apparently the
issue is not on their end
"The OfficeSuite Pro saves the files in native format. Please contact Libre
Office for more help."
  but it seems I can not edit a document in officesuite 7 for android, and
then continue to use it in libreoffice. the files are all in docx format
Any time I do, when I return to my PC to continue editing it, i get the
message 'general input / output error' when i try to open the file. no
other error messages happen, and nothing I can do will change the error.
I am using dropbox to synchronize between my pc and my android device. I
used to not have an issue with officesuite and microsoft word. Dropbox
fortunately saves prior copies, and I have been able to recover documents
after editing them mobile.
I have tried using ubuntu and windows 7 for libreoffice, multiple
computers, and multiple android devices running officesuite 7 pro.
Could you suggest anything I can do to try and remedy this issue?
Thank you,
Ian Dalton

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