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On 10/08/13 08:49, Ian Dalton wrote:
Good morning,
I'm writing this after contacting officesuite 7 support, apparently the
issue is not on their end
"The OfficeSuite Pro saves the files in native format. Please contact Libre
Office for more help."
  but it seems I can not edit a document in officesuite 7 for android, and
then continue to use it in libreoffice. the files are all in docx format
Any time I do, when I return to my PC to continue editing it, i get the
message 'general input / output error' when i try to open the file. no
other error messages happen, and nothing I can do will change the error.
I am using dropbox to synchronize between my pc and my android device. I
used to not have an issue with officesuite and microsoft word. Dropbox
fortunately saves prior copies, and I have been able to recover documents
after editing them mobile.
I have tried using ubuntu and windows 7 for libreoffice, multiple
computers, and multiple android devices running officesuite 7 pro.
Could you suggest anything I can do to try and remedy this issue?
Thank you,
Ian Dalton

I've just created a new docx document in Oficesuite 7 Pro on my Kindle, saved it to Skydrive, downloaded it on my Netbook running Ubuntu 13.04 with LO 4.1 and opened it with no problems.
(Mind you that was a very simple document....)


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