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Hi Sandor

As a long time successful user of Star Office, OpenOffice, and now settled on LibreOffice in Windows and Linux, I am saddened to hear your bad luck with the installation. Version is the stable version so it should not (not for me anyway) give any language issues with it's install.
Firstly make sure that you have downloaded the correct language base 
file and it's assistant. Go to the download page here and then just below the green bars 
"Main Installer" and "LibreOffice built-in help" click on the link "Not 
the version you wanted? Change the language". On this next page go down 
the list, left column until you see the one "English (GB)" and click on 
it. A page will show with your two needed files and the correct language 
you are looking for. Click in the green bars mentioned to download your 
What you can do is install it the same way you did, with just the apps 
you want i.e. the Calc and Draw as per your previous install. To make 
sure your language is the one you need open Calc, and go to the menu bar 
"Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages". On the right you can 
set the "User Interface" "Locale setting" to English UK, and your 
"Default Currency" as well if you so choose, You would also need to 
change you "Date acceptance patterns" as well for your language and 
country pattern, Date month Year etc.
That should sort you out and give a better experience with LO. If you 
need furhter help and assistance, please reply. I can send you 
screenshots of what I am referring to as well, as I live in South 
Africa, and have set mine to work perfectly with my country locale and 
language settings.

Andrew Brown

On 03/08/2013 09:37 AM, Sandor Marton wrote:
To Whom it May Concern,
I've installed the latest version of Libre Office to my PC. Version
I selected only calc and draw programs to be installed, along with
language English (UK) only.
Doing that the program wouldn't run after successful installation.
After the failure I uninstalled it and I could see only invalid
characters in the uninstall dialogue box.
I think unselecting the language English (US) or English (South Africa
?) was a mistake but I was able to do it and it is wrong.
If the language is essential for the application to run it shouldn't be
an option to install.
I also find very hard to find this email address on your website. I bit
Needless to say, the program is off the PC and not going back for a
Good luck next time.
     Sandor Marton
Sandor MartonSenior Software DeveloperSparc Systems Ltd.—-
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