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On 2013-07-24 10:12, Upscope wrote:
On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 06:18:58 AM Steve Edmonds wrote:
On 2013-07-24 00:55, Jean Milot wrote:

I search how  to :

- configure all the printers with A4 by defaulr
- configure all the printers with postcript level and not PDF

And somebody know why with CUPS, i need to reload the printers

"Fichier " -> "Paramètrage de l'imprimante"
( "FIle" -> Printer setting )

Thanks for your help.

I work on debian with CUPS on an other server.

LO : last version


Hi. Do you mean for the default page size to be A4 in the document
also. I have to set printing to postscript for every document because
it does not stay with the setting.
Steve look under File --> Printer setup-->Properties-->Device (at least
in CALC). Think its the same in writter.

lower left says: "Printer Language TYpe to Right is selection box
  I selected "Automatic: PostScript (Level from driver).

You can also select actual level with pull down arrow at end of box.
Whn I shut CALC down and restart it is still there.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Russ. That is what should happen, but for me (and others) it always reverts to PDF when I open Calc again. There has been quite some discussion on this previously around not being able to print landscape from LO, it is just something I need to remember to do.

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