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On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 08:55:07 -0400, Jean Milot <> wrote:


I search how  to :

- configure all the printers with A4 by defaulr
- configure all the printers with postcript level and not PDF

And somebody know why with CUPS, i need to reload the printers

"Fichier " -> "Paramètrage de l'imprimante"
( "FIle" -> Printer setting )

Thanks for your help.

I work on debian with CUPS on an other server.

LO : last version




To manage your printers if the OS is having problems use localhost:631 get to the CUPS admin. Findig the correct driver can be tricking. For example some Konica-Minolta printers have the correct driver listed under Minolta.

I do not know why you have to reload the printers unless the wrong driver is installed.

Jay Lozier

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