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Hi John,

John R. Sowden schrieb:
On 07/02/2013 01:56 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi John,

John R. Sowden schrieb:
I am having a problem setting the default font in calc.  This is usually
not an issue, as I often start a new sheet from an existing sheet.  But
if I start from the first menu, I get a font called 'arial' (sounds like
a mermaid or m$).  Since I am using an oss program, i would prefer to
use an oss font, e.g. freesans.  per help, I an supposed to open a Write
sheet and set the font in the 'tools' section.  This works for write,
not for calc.

The font is set in the document template.

Take an new document.
Open "Styles and Formatting" window. Right click style "Default", then
Goto tab "Font" and choose your favorite font. OK.
Save the document as template.
Set this template as your default template.

How to do this depends on your LibreOffice version, because a new
Template Manager has been developed.

Kind regards
I had failed to right click on default.  But I do not see any dialogue
or check box to make this the default template.  I looked in 'save',
'save as' and 'save as template'.
Let's try, hopefully we have the same version.
I assume, that you have already used "Save as template".

Use File > New > Templates or 'Templates' from the start screen. You shout get a dialog with title "Template Manager".
Select the tab "Spreadsheets". There you should see your new template.

Make a single click on your template to select it. Now you get a toolbar at the top. And there you find "Set as default".
Kind regards

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