Le 13/05/13 15:07, Ian Whitfield a écrit :
Hi Ian,
I wonder what Front-End _YOU_ use Alex?? Would be interested to know.
("m NOT on a Mac but on Linux (PCLOS 2012).
I mostly use sql from the command line ;-)
or MySQL Workbench :-))
I have used Base in the past (with OpenOffice.org) for a simple UI with
a few list boxes and automatically generated (macro activated) combo
lists, to an internal work database I'd set up for my former law firm,
but I separated out the forms from the ODB file, because it gave me
greater flexibility (most notably with shared access to forms and
queries residing on a central network share).
Most of the db stuff I've worked with recently uses mysql, PHP and the
Zend Framework, or CRUD frameworks (cakewalk, etc).
I'm also exploring other UI alternatives, such as Dabo :
I don't need the single "all-in-one wrapped up" file that is currently
proposed with Base, I'm not bothered about not having everything under
one roof. This is also why I'm not too bothered about the LO Base UI not
working as it was supposed to, as I design around it.
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