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W dniu 2013-04-05 16:19, Jay Lozier pisze:
I just noticed we are using different OSes and builds (Linux Mint and \t works fine for me so I wonder if there is a regression in I doubt the OS difference is important.

Well, I made some farther tests (also using OO 3.0.1 and LO - both portable versions). It seems that all of these builds are affected, so I wasn't quite strict previously. Anyway, I found the solution (however the results are a little bit odd to me). Let say there is some text e.g.:

Arg aarega aerga aerg
arga opjwg nklsawertg
Wnmikfg erger 8
fm fbdklfn bfg'mlkfg

I want to put a tab in the end of each line. If I search for $ and replace it with \t\n I will get the following result (\t is treated literally):

Arg aarega aerga aerg\t
arga opjwg nklsawertg\t
Wnmikfg erger 8\t
fm fbdklfn bfg'mlkfg\t

But if I search for last symbol of each line by putting .$ and replace it with &\t I got what I wanted (i.e. tab in the end of each line).

Two step approach also works. I can search for the line ending mark using $ and replace it with any temporary symbol that will be replaced by tab \t later on.

I still don't know why $ expression can't be replaced into \t directly.


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