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Thanks again Noel.

Let's give this one more 'go-around'!!

On 30/03/13 02:16, Marion & Noel Lodge wrote:
Hi Ian,

I would suggest that you check on the actual name of your form -
Open the Form in Edit mode
Right Click on any field
Choose Form
Make sure the General tab is selected
Whatever is showing in the Name field is the name the system will look for
If it's showing something other than 'Story', then that is your problem
If not, then I don't know.
It's odd that the error message is saying 'StoryTable' rather than 'Story'
OK - I guess you are right here!! My name of the new Form is "Story" NOT 
"StoryTable" (That's the name of the Table!!). So I changed that. I also 
checked on my Main Form that I call "Members" but the System seems to 
call it "MainForm" - so which is right?? Changing this however made no 
You may need to set a breakpoint in Sub OpenStoryTable(oEvent AS 
Object) and then single step through the code to see exactly where it 
throws the error.  That may give you a clue as to what is happening.
I'm afraid you are way ahead of me here - I've no idea how to do this!!

So - last of all can we look at your Macro again.../[My comments to the right of each line//]/
Sub OpenStoryTable(oEvent AS Object) - - -/[Is it right to open the 
Table here or should it be the Form?]/
      OpenForm("Story") - - -/[My Form is called "Story" but checking 
on this shows an empty Name field??]/
End Sub

Sub OpenForm(FormName AS String) - - - /[I have not changed anything below this line - correct??]/
      With ThisDatabaseDocument.currentcontroller
           If Not .isConnected Then
           End if

      End With

End Sub

Thanks for the help

Pretoria RSA


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